Happy New Year Everyone! I love that feeling of newness that washes over us at the beginning of the year, a chance to turn over a brand new leaf! This year I want to reawaken this blog...which is a group blog and encourage people to share feedback, and contribute written works to the blog. I spent January reading the beginning of Revelations.
This February I hope that you will join me in this journey through the book of Revelation. Share your input, correct me if you know that I am wrong in my interpretation etc. Also, contact me if you wish to share a post with the group.

I confess that I have been afraid to journey through this portion of The Bible because I have seen people try use this portion of The Bible to scare people into faith...instead of drawing them into faith with love. I also can note that this portion of The Bible can be interpreted in several different ways. I will pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to understand the way that it was meant to be interpreted as we journey through it this winter.
I want to prove to myself that this book is more than 'Fire and Brimstone' and more than people feeling that they'll be blessed if they go down to Dundas Square and scream to everyone 'Repent and accept Jesus or you'll burn in hell' (or a lake of fire), or that 'Fire will rain down on us', or that the anti-christ is so-and-so.
(Loud Sigh) I believe that our God cares for us and intends to draw us close to Him kindly and gently if possible. I believe Revelations is best understood as a statement of faith -not fear for the future. This is the beginning of this series... please join me until the end. I plan on reading with the understanding of that age-old cheer -that i'm sure you've heard in one church or another -
"God is good, all the time -All the time, God is good."
Best ever seen.